Find all content changed on your Umbraco website - audit log

The following script will run on Umbraco 7 & 8 and will show you all the content changed and by whom - very useful if you want to compare staging and live versions so you can update them.

Content audit in Umbraco 7/8

SELECT ul.[id]
	  ,un.[text] as NodeName
	  ,un.[path] as NodePath
	  ,uu.avatar as userAvatar
  FROM umbracoLog as ul
	INNER JOIN umbracoNode as un ON = ul.NodeId
	INNER JOIN umbracoUser as uu ON = ul.userId

	ul.userId is not NULL 
	AND ul.nodeId is not NULL
	AND ul.nodeId > 0 -- Only include actual nodes

  ORDER by ul.Datestamp DESC                                    

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